Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Well I am Awake Now!

I have been about ready to die with my life flashing before my eyes. Well maybe not quite that extreme, but it was pretty bad. At noon time I am supposed to hand out messages to students so it lessens the number of kids that need to come down to the office at the end of school. Well I forgot to give a message and then I e-mailed the teacher asking her to deliver the message and to let me know she had gotten the e-mail or else I was planning to stop in before I went home. I got home and was messing around-had a snack and reached into my pocket and saw the note. I forgot to check my e-mail before I left because I was so busy and here it was after 4!!! Our main office at work closes at 4 and so I tried to call the teacher at home, but her husband said it would be an hour before she got home. So here I was literally shaking that this child hadn't gotten the message to go to a certain place after school and was stranded somewhere. I had checked e-mail and there were two messages, but not one from her. I thought I was going to lose my job and what if something happened to the kid so after praying for an hour and calling the teacher again she told me the girl had talked to her mom and everything was okay. I will never, ever do that again!!!!!!! I will always call right when I am thinking of something instead of e-mailing. Whew!h

Saturday, February 17, 2007

What Happened to My Baby?

I feel like writing in purple today. I don't know if that will be how it comes across. If only I could get pictures to come up then I would put up Lydia's new haircut. We have been putting it off for awhile now. She was okay with us putting hair clips in, but they never seemed to stay in for long. Do to her scarring and how her hair grew back after he surgery there was no way I would have tried to cut it on my own. I am happy with how it turned out, but I was amazed to see how much she changed just with a hair cut. She just looks like a little girl. I also see that she looks a lot more like Mayme than I thought. They were sitting on the couch by eachother facing the same way and it was just crazy how much they looked alike. The week went by really slow it seems, but it was nice to have Valentine's in the middle of it. I have never gotten so many Valentine's from the kids. It made me feel like they don't all think I'm an ogre. haha! Paul bought me a necklace that has the letter J on it. I had one about 7 years ago and it was my favorite, but it broke off and I never found it and I couldn't order it from the place I had before. He also came to my work bringing me flowers. I am pretty sure this is the first Valentine's he's given me flowers. It was funny because I try not to get into the whole thing. Flowers will just die anyway, but walking into the office throughout the morning and seeing all the flowers I have to admit there was a part of me that was hoping I would walk in and there would be something there for me. So it was a real nice surprise. We didn't celebrate until Thursday night with the girls. Thought it would be less busy. Plus they got the added bonus of getting their flu shots. With a few cases of children dying from the flu we thought that it was stupid to not get them the shot. Lydia was not too happy with us. I was hoping they would give Mayme the shot first so Lyd could see it, but they wanted to do Lydia first. She had fallen asleep on the drive in and then it was freezing cold outside so not only did I have to wake her up from a nap, then I had to carry her in through the cold, and then she gets a shot on top of that. She was very happy when we went to eat afterwards and got out of the doctors office. Now I have a three day weekend which is already going by too fast. We don't have any big plans. Paul is working mandatory OT again tonight, but then is free until Wednesday night so I am ready for that. He deserves a break too.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Look Out! Here Comes the Spiderman

Well it all started last week when Mayme asked me if she could watch Spider-Man 2. She has always liked Spider-Man, but we continue to edit it where there are parts she doesn't need to see. I was thinking of Lydia and thought we better not, but then I thought maybe we could and I would censor a lot of it and we would just watch Peter Parker or Spiderman parts without any violence going on. Lydia was up and around me while I was doing housework for the most part, but I still remember like later that night or the next day Lydia saying "spider scare". I asked her if she was scared of Spiderman and she said yes. Sunday night I took Lydia upstairs and was going to rock her and sing her songs as I normally do. Mayme wanted to sit in the room and she was helping me think of somgs we could sing together. We sang Old McDonald, Twinkle Twinkle and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. We were all doing the hand motions and having a fun time. I asked Mayme to go downstairs so I could put Lyd to bed and when I put Lyd in the crib and was going to leave the room she screamed like I had never heard her scream before.....and if you've read the previous blog you know I've been hearing her scream. I went downstairs thinking she might settle down, but she didn't. I went back to her room and she had tears going down her face and she grabbed on to me and just kept saying "Spider scared, spider scared". I just felt horrible. I thought that the itsy bitsy spider must have somehow made her think of spider man. So what I did was ask her if she wanted me to spray the spiders and she said yes. I pretended I took out a spray can and made the shhhhhhhhh sound. She didn't really go for it, but I kept trying and told her I got them all. I told her that she had a spray bottle too and so I told her to spray, but she only did it for a second. I knew it was going to be a long time to get her to fall asleep. So I took her out and rocked her almost to sleep. She wanted to nurse when we first sat down, but I wanted her to be comforted without that so eventually she settled down, but the minute I tried to put her in the crib it started all over again. Then I decided to go downstairs and get a night light that we use down there. I thought maybe that would help. She finally settled down enough for me to leave the room and I had told her I would come back and sleep in her room, but she fell asleep so I just let her be. Poor girl. I came downstairs and told Mayme we were not going to watch and more Spider-Man, talk about Spider-Man or sing itsy bitsy for a looooooooooong time. Last night things went better. She mentioned being scared only once and I completely attacked the room with my pretend spray and when I was done she asked "Got em?" and I told her that I thought I got them all, but she should use her spray too just in case and she did pretend for awhile too. We left the night light on and I gave her some books and suggested she read to her animals and she was happy to do so. I am not sure if I like the night light idea or not. Mayme never had one, but when she got older then she wanted a light on and now she finally back to sleeping in the dark. It's not a big thing with the night light, BUT it's almost two hours past her bedtime and she is still up talking so I am thinking tomorrow night I might tell her that the light doesn't work anymore and we will see what happens.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Oh The Joys of Motherhood

Well we have finished another week of keeping the kids in at school during noon due to the cold weather. We have still all managed to keep our sanity as well, but I do notice this cold weather is making me a bit crabby. (Mayme could probably tell you that.) Work went well. We had bagels for breakfast and then it was pretzel for favorite. Paul and Lydia came in and had lunch with me which was nice. Paul has been working extra hours so he went and did some errands when he left after lunch and then came back to drop off Lydia so he could go right to work. It works out real nice sometimes that we work in the same town. It still was so cold though and I think Lydia is getting sick of it too. We got to May's school and went inside and when it was time to go Lydia decided she wanted to walk and not be carried. I told her she could walk, but she'd have to hold my hand or else she'd be carried. Then she wanted to walk in the snow, but didn't have her boots on and so I told her no. She then came to a complete stop. Did I mention it was freezing?? So I told her I was going to carry her and I picked he up and I am surprised her screams and shrieks did not shatter the glass of the school and all the cars in the parking lot. By the time we got to the car she decided she was going to scream because it was too cold and she didn't want to get in her car seat. She sticks her belly out and straightens her legs when I am trying to get her in so I really have to try and push hard to get her in. Normally I am not embarrassed. Maybe it's different when I have someone else with me so I don't feel like I am dealing with a banchee alone. Then we went into town for groceries and both the girls did real well until we got out to the parking lot and the same battle over the car seat. So I am sure people thought I was either beating her or kidnapping her. (Maybe I"m being too hard on myself) So I am trying to get her in her seat and all I can think about is the lady who was caught on tape in the parking lot beating her kid in the backseat.....even though I am not doing that I am trying to be forceful to get her in her seat and plus she's screaming. I was about done for the day, but then Mayme wanted to get some food and I thought that wouldn't be a bad idea. When we got in the restaurant immediately Lydia wanted to run so I had Mayme keeping an eye on her and helping to keep her close to me. When we were trying to find a place to sit I was leading the way and holding the drinks so I asked Mayme to grab Lydia's hand. Well Mayme walked and Lydia didn't want to be led so she fell to the floor-sprawled out and screamed. It was quite fantastic. Literally all eyes were on me. I just told May to go sit and I picked up Lydia and carried her to our table. She was great the rest of the night, but boy oh boy what an evening.

I was real excited when we got home to see Mayme pick up the newspaper and try reading it. She was doing real well too and asking me for help when she needed it which for a long time she wouldn't do. Then she read me a story and it was one that had some harder words in and she was doing a great job of trying to sound them out or look at the picture to see if that would help her with the word.

I think it is going to be another weekend of hibernation.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

At Least She Can Try

The last few weeks have been cold and so I haven't been letting May outside to play. I feel bad because she is inside all day at school and then in right away at home although I rather like having her have ten fingers and toes that I don't feel too bad for her. Everyday it seems on the drive home that she asks if she can play outside. Yesterday was no different. Back and forth we went. She told me she had all her "supplies" so she woul be okay outside and I said no. I told her that arguing with me wasn't going to change my mind and she just nonchalantly says "I can try at least". It just made me giggle and I agreed. At least she could try. That kid I tell you. After supper I took Lydia's high chair tray off and she has some food on her pants and she replied with "Ewwww gross." Too funny, but I was impressed that when she got down she brushed off the food, grabbed the washcloth, and then wiped her pants where the food had been. For some reason tonight she kept saying "of course". We went to the library tonight (and I remembered the things I had to return) and then I thought I would cruise through the A+W and then we would head out to my dad's. I ordered up the food and got to the window and found out they don't take checks. I don't have a credit card or debit card and so we had to drive off without any supper. I felt so bad, but the girls were so good about it and Mayme was my supportor and making me feel good by telling me they should have put a bigger sign up or taken checks. :) Probably the best moment of the night was when Lydia was sitting on my dad's lap and she looked at him and said "Papa" and he looked at her and said "Lydia" and she just laid her head down on his chest. So sweet.

I just wanted to mention in her to that if you have a chance to check out my cousin's wife's page. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in August, but she wrote down her story and it is something to think about. Not just about cancer, but just about anything. If you ever feel something isn't right don't be afraid to push your doctor.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snowy Days

This morning I was very surprised not to see a two hour delay or closing. The snow was coming down like crazy. I headed out early and visibility was so bad and the road was covered so I couldn't see the lines. It was vary strange because for the most part of my drive I was the only one on the road. I usually pass several school buses on the way, but did not see one. I called Paul to see if Mayme got on the bus okay, but after waiting outside for 20 minutes and no bus they went back into the house. Paul called the school and they said the bus had gone in the ditch. Once the bus got out the school called back Paul to let him know, but by the time he hung up the bus was at the end of the driveway and just slowed down and drove by. Never stopped. So we kept Mayme home. Paul was waiting for his mom (Who gets very nervous in bad weather) because she was coming to watch Lydia and Lydia was still sleeping so he didn't want to head out. By 11 they had changed our snow totals from 1-3 to 3-6. I bet if they would have said that at the beginning that we wouldn't have had school. Oh well. The kids were all hoping for an early out, but the snow lightened up and the sun came out.

Right now we are watching Raffi Live video I got at the library. Lydia doesn't really care for it, but Mayme is really liking it. I am going to go and enjoy it with the girls.

Monday, February 05, 2007

It was so cold that.............

It was quite chilly this morning. -19 was what we started the day with. I was hoping for a late start. There were quite a few schools that were in areas where the temp was actually warmer and they were closed. Oh well. It made me feel like a true Minnesotan dealing with the cold. It was a good Monday. Always nice when it goes fast. I had to laugh because I got a paper cut on my hand and then made the mistake of putting hand sanitizer. I loved telling the kids that story because all of the sudden they all made the "Ooooh ouch" sound. After work I went and picked up Mayme and we were driving home and all of the sudden she said "So how was your day today mom?" I thought that was so sweet. Then she started copying me (this is when she reminds me she's a first grader). I had fun though trying to trick her. I would say "I want to go to bed early tonight mom with no games or stories." , then she would say it and I would say "You want to go to bed early tonight?" and she would get goofed up. Who's the adult??

My grandma celebrated her 89th birthday today. She mentioned that it's been a long life, but she sure doesn't know where it has gone. I guess that doesn't change. I am very thankful all that she has done for me, taught me, the influence she has been and how big a part of my life she has been. I love her dearly.

Tonight when I put Lydia to bed she didn't want to go so I asked her if she wanted an animal with her. She wanted her penguin and a garfield. Once I handed them to her she said "Okay, na night."

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'm Impressed

Well Prince certainly entertained!!! I was quite impressed!

I Can't Come To The Phone Right Now I'm Busy Hibernating

Well the big joke has been that everyone was just going to stay in and hibernate this weekend. Last Thursday I was glad I went out and got groceries taken care of. I hate to take the girls out in the cold. There has been talk on the news of several abduction attempts in Rochester which has me on my toes too. After we got groceries we came home and then had to go to the library which is about 20 minutes to get too. We loaded up and pulled into the parking lot and then I discovered I had forgotten all of our books and movies at home. So back around we went and back. Overall it took an hour to drive the first time and then to go and come back again. It was such a long day Thursday too because I was just tired and not feeling well. Friday morning I woke up early and made some cheesy hashbrowns for work. Every Friday morning we sign up for treats and a coworker and I always make the hashbrowns and eggbake. I was so excited that I made two pans and came home with none. After work I came home and was just exhausted again. May and I attempted a movie night and I fell asleep. Saturday my energy level was back. We had rented some movies including Little Miss Sunshine which I really enjoyed. Today I went in and met a couple of friends to celebrate January/February birthdays. It was cold, but not horrible although I did see crazy people wearing sweatshirts. Only in Minnesota. Mayme is feeling better and full of energy. Her nose has cleared up too and so I have stopped giving her the flonase. We'll see what happens. I hadn't been giving it to her because when she was sick I simply forgot, but the fact that it cleared up is good I think. Now we are watching the commercials from the super bowl. The Super Bowl is not so entertaining when there's not one team you are hoping to win plus Prince doesn't really excited me either. Anyway, I am excited that Brett Farve has decided to return in the fall again!!