Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Look Out! Here Comes the Spiderman

Well it all started last week when Mayme asked me if she could watch Spider-Man 2. She has always liked Spider-Man, but we continue to edit it where there are parts she doesn't need to see. I was thinking of Lydia and thought we better not, but then I thought maybe we could and I would censor a lot of it and we would just watch Peter Parker or Spiderman parts without any violence going on. Lydia was up and around me while I was doing housework for the most part, but I still remember like later that night or the next day Lydia saying "spider scare". I asked her if she was scared of Spiderman and she said yes. Sunday night I took Lydia upstairs and was going to rock her and sing her songs as I normally do. Mayme wanted to sit in the room and she was helping me think of somgs we could sing together. We sang Old McDonald, Twinkle Twinkle and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. We were all doing the hand motions and having a fun time. I asked Mayme to go downstairs so I could put Lyd to bed and when I put Lyd in the crib and was going to leave the room she screamed like I had never heard her scream before.....and if you've read the previous blog you know I've been hearing her scream. I went downstairs thinking she might settle down, but she didn't. I went back to her room and she had tears going down her face and she grabbed on to me and just kept saying "Spider scared, spider scared". I just felt horrible. I thought that the itsy bitsy spider must have somehow made her think of spider man. So what I did was ask her if she wanted me to spray the spiders and she said yes. I pretended I took out a spray can and made the shhhhhhhhh sound. She didn't really go for it, but I kept trying and told her I got them all. I told her that she had a spray bottle too and so I told her to spray, but she only did it for a second. I knew it was going to be a long time to get her to fall asleep. So I took her out and rocked her almost to sleep. She wanted to nurse when we first sat down, but I wanted her to be comforted without that so eventually she settled down, but the minute I tried to put her in the crib it started all over again. Then I decided to go downstairs and get a night light that we use down there. I thought maybe that would help. She finally settled down enough for me to leave the room and I had told her I would come back and sleep in her room, but she fell asleep so I just let her be. Poor girl. I came downstairs and told Mayme we were not going to watch and more Spider-Man, talk about Spider-Man or sing itsy bitsy for a looooooooooong time. Last night things went better. She mentioned being scared only once and I completely attacked the room with my pretend spray and when I was done she asked "Got em?" and I told her that I thought I got them all, but she should use her spray too just in case and she did pretend for awhile too. We left the night light on and I gave her some books and suggested she read to her animals and she was happy to do so. I am not sure if I like the night light idea or not. Mayme never had one, but when she got older then she wanted a light on and now she finally back to sleeping in the dark. It's not a big thing with the night light, BUT it's almost two hours past her bedtime and she is still up talking so I am thinking tomorrow night I might tell her that the light doesn't work anymore and we will see what happens.


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