Monday, July 26, 2010

The original title

So when I started typing this one my original title was "Can it almost be August?" So much for that ... it's here!

July has seemed to have flown by. I can't believe it. Lydia finished up t-ball and the girls are done with swimming lessons.

All is going well. We just had an appointment last week for baby. They just listened to the heart and now I go back in August for the big one. They said to bring along a cd-r for the ultrasound which is really cool. I'm looking forward to that. Since this will most likely be the last pregnancy I'm trying to soak all of it in. (Now that I'm feeling better of course). Finally I am not so nauseous or tired. It has been nice to have the time off over this summer. We have been tossing around baby names, but nothing too much until we found out we are having. That will be nice so I know if I can should pack away George's boxes and dig out girl clothes or just keep his clothes handy.

George has been somewhat working on using his potty chair. He's made it a couple of times and we've had some accidents. I'm not pushing it too much. It would sure be nice to just get him in pull ups at night though and no diapers during the day. I've heard potty training is easier with boys. I guess we'll see. I think he's been teething because he has not been feeling well at all so today was finally the first day he was acting more like himself. So being cooped up inside for three day was enough and I told him I would take him to the playground tomorrow. He is very excited.

Lydia is working on reading. For a couple of weeks now when I've read to her she's wanted me to read the line and then she would repeat it. I finally got out the old Dick and Jane book and she's really flying through it. She gets really excited about it. It's always cool when they finally start reading to you.

So another month down and we will see where August takes us!


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