Sunday, February 01, 2009

WARNING: Not for children almost 4 and under

So yesterday afternoon we decided to get our groceries. We got all that we needed and went to check out. As the total came up, I opened my billfold, went to grab my debit card only to find it gone. Not just my debit card, but my savings account card, my gas card, my zoo card, my movie card, my library card, my health and dental insurance cards and several other cards. Imagine my surprise! Thank goodness Paul was along or I wouldn't have had any way to pay for the groceries. As Paul paid I started questioning the girls to which I came to find out that Lydia had been playing with them at home earlier in the day. Luckily the pocket my license was in was too tight so she wasn't able to get it out. So we spent three hours when we got home looking for the cards. Some how Lydia forgot where she put them. She would say she was playing with them, tried to put them back in, and when she couldn't, she got scared I would be upset and that's where she offered several scenarios as to what happened:

1) Toonces ate them
2) she put them in the garbage
3) she put them in the heater and they blew away
4) she took them outside and put them on the trees and the birds ate them
5) they flew away in the sky
6) mayme took them
7) they are at grace and ada's house
8) she buried them in the snow
9) she put them in her pillow
10)she put them in a plastic bag

We looked everywhere we could think of and where maybe a 3 year old would put them. Yes the garbage, piece by piece too. We even got out the flashlights and went out looking in the snow. So it's a mystery and I am sure it's going to be in the goofiest place. For now I am claiming them lost and getting new cards.


Blogger Nichole said...

Now you know which one of your children is going to be the creative writer!!! I shouldn't be, but I'm laughing.

10:08 AM


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