Monday, January 26, 2009


Well I spent close to 30 minutes writing on the blog only to find out that my computer fell asleep from being inactive and everything I typed was lost. Very strange considering most of the time I copy what I wrote in case that happens. Well the kids have all been sick. Thankfully not all at the same time. Mayme started with a cold and cough. Then Lydia caught it. Mayme then came down with an outer ear infection. I had a rough few nights that felt like musical beds and little sleep. The girls would come in at separate times throughout the night wanting to crawl in with me because they weren't feeling well. Now George has the cold and cough. He has been actually pretty happy for not being able to breathe through his nose. He doesn't like me coming after him with a keelex. He got his first tooth last Thursday. Just a day past turning 8 1/2 months. It seems like it took him forever to get it. He is busy clapping, waving, standing, walking around the furniture and enjoys pulling all the books off his bookshelf then moving on to the toybox and pulling out all the toys. He helps with laundry too. : ) After two kids I have actually remembered I cannot not set anything to drink on the coffee table unsupervised.
Lydia has her preschool screening here in a couple of weeks. She seems to be excited about it once again. I brought out Mayme's scrapbook that had some of the stuff they did in preschool so Lydia could get an idea of what they will do. She is so silly. The other night Paul was leaving to go to work and he gave me a kiss and I hear Lydia across the room say "Oh look Mayme they're married!!". To think if getting married was just with a kiss. I remember Mayme thinking that too.
Mayme is having two teeth pulled tomorrow. She is a little nervous about it, but after talking about the tooth fairy coming she seemed a little more relaxed. In a couple of weeks she will have two more pulled as well. I believe we are beginning our expensive dental procedures adventure. Lydia was asking about the tooth fairy, what she looks like-how she gets in. Mayme said that the tooth fairy has two other fairies that carry the bags. When Paul asked what was in the bags she replied that one needs to carry the money while the other carries the teeth. Makes sense to me. Mayme is also going to be a flower girl in a wedding in May. Paul's cousin in Oklahoma is getting married. We were planning on attending anyway, but this kind of adds to the excitment. We are excited to go because Paul's family on his dad's side will all be there. (The Kansas/Colorado relatives) So we will get to see his grandma and his great-grandma, aunt and uncle as well as lots of family we never have met.
Over the weekend Paul and I went with some friends up to the IMAX theatre and saw The Dark Knight and on Saturday I went with a friend to play BINGO! I did not win anything, but she won $100! I did not realize it could be so much fun and intense. I'm addicted!

Hope everyone has a good week!!


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