Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Days

Wow two posts in one day! Mayme started school on Tuesday and was all ready and knew the drill. She was a little nervous about what the year would bring, but I told her we all go through that. She was glad to know that none of the "mean" girls were in her class. I reminded her that a lot can happen over the summer and who knows what changes those people have gone through or what new people she will run across this year. She just has never really found a niche. I really don't know how much that bothers her, but I think for as much as she says it doesn't it kind of does. That's the hard thing about not being there to see what's going on. I ask her who she plays with at recess or who she sits by and she never really says a whole lot. I know what a sweet girl she is and wish that others would see that too. She has some really sweet kids in her grade too, but she just doesn't seem to want to be with them as much as the others that don't seem to care that much about her. For the last few years I have been concerned about her reading and kind of put it on the back burner because at conference time her teachers would say how good she was doing in it and grade wise as well. When she reads at home to me though she struggles and I wonder if she has some dyslexia. So now I have been trying to figure out what steps to take to get that looked at. I guess I should have gone with my gut instead of being worried about people thinking I was being a paranoid parent. She is really enjoying school so far and that is the best thing.

Lydia started school Thursday and for the last month she has been quite worried about school. I knew she would be until she could actually get going and see what her days would be like. She had a hard time falling asleep the night before because she was so excited. In the morning she was up and ready to go. I took pictures on the deck and then Paul and I walked down and waited with girls for the bus. I started to give Mayme the talk about looking out for Lydia for the billionth time and she stopped me and said "Mom, I'll take care of her". It's amazing to me that I was so worried about Lydia and poor Mayme when she was in kindergarten had to go off on the bus all alone and find her way with no help. Lydia was in good hands. The bus came and Lydia grabbed me and hugged me then went off with Mayme and got on the bus. I of course start crying once she starts for the bus and that was okay. My goal was going to be not to cry in front of her because I didn't want her to think I was sad. Because really I wasn't it was just that I was so nervous and excited for her. This little person going off on her own little adventure and I wouldn't be there with her to help her if she needed anything. But soon I looked up at the bus and there was her little face looking out at the window at us grinning from ear to ear and waving. I knew it would be okay. When she got home she had so much to tell me. They got to hear stories and went to music. Her favorite part was going into the gym at recess. She likes all her teachers. She said "My teacher is so nice! I can't remember her name, but she's so nice!" She was very excited that she was going to get to go back the next day.

So now we get to me. I don't know if I was ready to get back to work, but I was ready for a change. It was good to get out and about. I always remind myself at the beginning of the year that for as fast as it seems summer comes and goes so too will the school year. So it was very busy, but that was great. Made the days fly by and here it is Saturday already. It was strange to come home Thursday while George was napping and the girls gone at school. It was so quiet and I was waiting anxiously for the bus to arrive to see how all went. Very soon though after the girls got home all the kids were wrestling and screaming on the living room floor. So much for the quiet. : )

And for George he seems to be coping well. I do enjoy the excitement from him when I get home as he says "Mommy's home!" and runs over the hug me. Thursday when I went to get him after he woke up from his nap I asked him if he had a good day and he said yes. I asked him he went to get groceries with daddy and he said yes and then I was trying to tidy the room up a little and he just says out of the blue "I missed you." (tears) I have never heard him ever say anything about missing anybody or anything so it was a really sweet moment.

So all in all it's been a good first week. Hoping next week is even better.


Blogger Monkeymama said...

Glad to hear things are off to a good start! May will find her groove eventually. :)

I wish we were close enough to get Joe and George together for playdates during the day!

10:54 AM


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