I have such a horrible time of coming up with titles to this thing. Sorry I haven't written on here. It's been quite busy and my husband has been home so that makes a difference too. We went up north to the cabin and spent a couple of days with the family. It was more relaxing this year for some reason. Probably because Lydia is older so I could let her run around on her own for a little bit without constant supervision. She did manage to fall into the water off the dock, but cousin, Ben got her out. She was able to stand, but it did give quite the scare. Several times though she would walk out to where the water was up to her neck just to try to get to either Paul or I. We kept telling her she wasn't big enough to do that, but apparently she wanted to be. My brother, his family, my mom and stepdad could only stay one night, but we had a lot of fun and the next day we just played in the lake all day and then played cards at night with my other brother and his wife. No bats this year, but I did happen to use the bathroom and look down in the garbage can and saw a HUGE spider. I called out to my husband and asked him to kill it to which my brother and his wife started to give me a hard time about it, but then all of the sudden we heard my husband say, "WHOA! That really is a big spider!!" They laid off me since Paul acknowledged it was a big one. It just is fun to visit and the kids played and played. The best is when we say goodbye and the kids say, "Auntie Jess can we come to your house soon?" :) We got back Thursday evening and crashed.
Friday we took the girls to a county fair near by. My favorite part was that when we were walking through the animal barns this nice man said we could go in and pet the calves. The girls and I just crawled in and sat right down next to them. I could have stayed there all day. I was so excited because my husband was able to go and he could go on the rides with May, but even he got queasy after a couple of them. We went home, napped, and then woke up just in time to go to my mom's shed party. It was soooooo much fun!!!! We karaoked until midnight. I shouldn't say we. I did one, but everyone else around me were rock stars!!!! We stayed until 3 visiting. It was just a blast.
Saturday we slept in and got groceries. Sunday I went in and met a friend for breakfast. I had to since she had my wallet and my husbands cell phone. :) I wanted to also though. It's fun to get up in the morning and do that once in awhile. It had rained all day Saturday and through the evening. Even pulling up into the parking lot the water was probably 2 - 3 feet from touching the bottom of the bridge. I had parked on the end by the bridge. Leslie eventually told me to go move my car since I kept talking about what I would do if the water came up. I was able to enjoy my meal much better once I moved it.
Monday I called worked since they had left a message for me while I was on vacation. I went in and worked 4 and a half hours and then went in this morning for another two. I think it's settling in that summer is coming to a close, but I plan on enjoying the rest of what is left of it. Lydia has on occasion been using the potty chair. Monday night when I changed her diaper she said she wanted to try and then all of the sudden I hear her say "Mama, I did it!" and I was thinking she was just saying it, but no she actually did it. So Mayme and I made up a potty dance for her.
Potty Dance
Potty Dance
Lydia went potty on the potty chair!
Last night she made it twice on the chair and had one accident. I figured if she wants to do it we'll keep up on it. I am excited she wants to. In other news I am reading a book called "P.S. I Love You" by Cecelia Ahren. It is really good. I love it when I find a book that looks good and for an added bonus it's even enjoyable to read!