Saturday, August 25, 2007

Our Visitor

Well we have had an opossum, bird, rabbit, frogs, toads, all in our window well at one time or another, but today we got visited by this little fella!

After many days of rain we got to go outside and run around. Lydia and I went inside while Mayme stayed out. Mayme came running in telling me there was a cat in the window well, but when I got down in the basement to get it turns out it was a little kitty. At first when I saw it, it was meowing and shaking. When I opened the window it started hissing at me and trying to get out so I thought it was wild, but once I got a hold of it and held it close it immediately started purring. I had Mayme get Lydia and they both came down to the basement and we spent a lot of time just petting her. She was rubbing all around my neck and it took all the will power I had not only to reject the kids asking if we could keep it, but also to convince myself we didn't need another cat. After petting her we took her outside where I set out a bowl of food, but the kitty took off running. Lydia started crying and I told her that the baby had to go find it's mama so she couldn't stay. She seemed okay with that. So I guess we will stick to our two kitties.

Toonces went in for her annual shots last week. She is over 16 pounds. She has put on 2 pounds in the last year. Lovey is coming in at 11 so the cats are officially on a diet. No complaints yet.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Good Day Besides The Rain

Well another day of rain, but it doesn't seem to be affecting me to bad yet. Sounds like some dry weather might be around the corner. Today I took the girls to see my sister and my nephews. I had a blanket to return to her and a movie to return to my nephew that I've had since April. The bonus was the my other nephew just drove in from KC last night about 12:30 so I got to see him too. I haven't seen him for a little over two years. It was just fun to hang out and just laugh. Especially when we talk about pink bear. :) They just make me laugh so hard.

My sister had surgery back in May and found out she will have to have another surgery. She was in a car accident last year where someone was making a turn and she was driving by and they hit her from the side. So she has been having numbness and middle ear pain. She had cracked a vertebrae in her neck which was causing a nerve to be pinched. They took a cadaver bone and placed it in her neck with some screws, but it seems to be not working so not the will go in through the back of the neck, use some bone off of her hip and place it in her neck with two metal rods. We have had our ups and downs, but I wish she didn't have to go through all this. She has had a lot to deal with.

We left around 2 because Lydia needed a nap and was making sure everyone knew it. She did fall asleep in the car and was good the rest of the night. Potty training has gone good. She had one accident, but the other 4 time she made it. She actually used the potty chair and then while I was cleaning it she told me she had to go again so I just grabbed her and held her over the toilet and she went. I grabbed out the Dora potty seat we have that fits in the regular toilet seat, but she can sit on it and not have to worry about falling in and she went again before bed. She just blows me away. I think it's just because Mayme didn't have any interest in that until she was older so I guess I am not quite prepared for how well she is doing, but I don't mind it one bit. I called my husband and told him all about her night and told him that it doesn't take much to excite me.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Last Week

I have such a horrible time of coming up with titles to this thing. Sorry I haven't written on here. It's been quite busy and my husband has been home so that makes a difference too. We went up north to the cabin and spent a couple of days with the family. It was more relaxing this year for some reason. Probably because Lydia is older so I could let her run around on her own for a little bit without constant supervision. She did manage to fall into the water off the dock, but cousin, Ben got her out. She was able to stand, but it did give quite the scare. Several times though she would walk out to where the water was up to her neck just to try to get to either Paul or I. We kept telling her she wasn't big enough to do that, but apparently she wanted to be. My brother, his family, my mom and stepdad could only stay one night, but we had a lot of fun and the next day we just played in the lake all day and then played cards at night with my other brother and his wife. No bats this year, but I did happen to use the bathroom and look down in the garbage can and saw a HUGE spider. I called out to my husband and asked him to kill it to which my brother and his wife started to give me a hard time about it, but then all of the sudden we heard my husband say, "WHOA! That really is a big spider!!" They laid off me since Paul acknowledged it was a big one. It just is fun to visit and the kids played and played. The best is when we say goodbye and the kids say, "Auntie Jess can we come to your house soon?" :) We got back Thursday evening and crashed.

Friday we took the girls to a county fair near by. My favorite part was that when we were walking through the animal barns this nice man said we could go in and pet the calves. The girls and I just crawled in and sat right down next to them. I could have stayed there all day. I was so excited because my husband was able to go and he could go on the rides with May, but even he got queasy after a couple of them. We went home, napped, and then woke up just in time to go to my mom's shed party. It was soooooo much fun!!!! We karaoked until midnight. I shouldn't say we. I did one, but everyone else around me were rock stars!!!! We stayed until 3 visiting. It was just a blast.

Saturday we slept in and got groceries. Sunday I went in and met a friend for breakfast. I had to since she had my wallet and my husbands cell phone. :) I wanted to also though. It's fun to get up in the morning and do that once in awhile. It had rained all day Saturday and through the evening. Even pulling up into the parking lot the water was probably 2 - 3 feet from touching the bottom of the bridge. I had parked on the end by the bridge. Leslie eventually told me to go move my car since I kept talking about what I would do if the water came up. I was able to enjoy my meal much better once I moved it.

Monday I called worked since they had left a message for me while I was on vacation. I went in and worked 4 and a half hours and then went in this morning for another two. I think it's settling in that summer is coming to a close, but I plan on enjoying the rest of what is left of it. Lydia has on occasion been using the potty chair. Monday night when I changed her diaper she said she wanted to try and then all of the sudden I hear her say "Mama, I did it!" and I was thinking she was just saying it, but no she actually did it. So Mayme and I made up a potty dance for her.

Potty Dance
Potty Dance
Lydia went potty on the potty chair!

Last night she made it twice on the chair and had one accident. I figured if she wants to do it we'll keep up on it. I am excited she wants to. In other news I am reading a book called "P.S. I Love You" by Cecelia Ahren. It is really good. I love it when I find a book that looks good and for an added bonus it's even enjoyable to read!

Monday, August 13, 2007


How do you pronouce literally? We have some storms going through the cities and the weatherman is determined to break a record for using that word although he keeps pronouncing it litrally. It's phenomenal.

Mark It On Your Calendar!

The New Mr. Bean movie comes out on th 24th!! YIPPEE!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dear Frankie

I just received my first movie after restarting Netflix. The first movie I got was "Dear Frankie" and it is a beautiful movie. RENT IT! Or you can borrow it from me after I buy it. :) It was just really good.

Okay and yeah it had the guy from 300 in it so that didn't hurt things any either.

Oh, my girls!

Well this morning Lydia woke up and was talking about the cabin and going through the list of everyone that was going to be there and then she said "baby". I said who's baby and then she ran around the house saying "mama have baby! mama have baby!" I took the girls over to my dad's and had to tell my dad that if Lydia said something about a baby not to get excited because there is no baby. Yikes! She hasn't been saying it anymore so I am hoping she has forgotten about it.

The other night Mayme and I watched "Phantom of the Opera" together and she is just a hoot. When she saw the Phantom and Christine kiss she turns to me and says " What?! Now they're married!" She always thinks that if two people kiss that makes them married. Then she went into this long thing about how husbands are real men and guys that aren't married are something else although she could never tell me exactly what that would be.

Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm A Barbie Girl and I Never Knew It

I have always hated the Barbie Song, except for the German version, just because I thought that was funny, but today it came on the radio and Mayme and I both just started singing it out and moving around. I apparently must have listened to it enough to remember some of the lyrics, but it's pretty repetitive that it didn't take long to learn them anyway. Mayme apparently had heard it in her dance class. She just learned that Ken and Barbie were actually named after the children of the people who started the Mattel company. So she finally made the connection about this being Ken and Barbie.

I didn't do to much today. I went in and grabbed some groceries. It was so hot just walking from the car to the building. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and I pray so. When we got home I walked on the treadmill which was like torture. Walking on the treadmill to music I can do, but I don't have headphones so I just turn the stereo on, but the girls wanted to watch a movie. That will be the last time I try to do that. I just kept looking and looking at the clock.

Mayme got to go swimming tonight with our neighbor girl and she said she had a great time. Lydia and I had our own movie night. I have been going back on forth on whether or not if now is the right time for a baby. Just a lot of factors in both directions and I want to choose the right one, but I don't know what the right one is. I asked Lyida though if she'd like a baby brother or sister and she got so excited and said "yes, yes!" You'd be a good helper too, wouldn't you? I asked. She again said yes, yes and then took off running for the door. "C'mon mama let's go, let's go" I asked her where we were going. "Go have baby mama. Mama have baby." If only it were that simple.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Back To Life, Back To Reality

Man that song is old yet that's what popped into my head. Well it has been a rough week. Both Mayme and Lydia caught colds last week and that put them in some ultra crabby moods. There have been some fun things. Mayme got to sing with my mom at a local bar on Sunday so that was fun to watch. Fun to watch my mom sing. I haven't seen her perform since I was a kid. We headed up to the trailer for a few days, but unfortunately the air decided to quit working so we were cooking in a tin box for most of the time. Maybe that's what made us all a little crabby too. Mayme has been obsessed with 300. After I bought the movie and was talking about how much I loved it she asked if when she was 16 if she could watch it or when she was 20. I noticed her in the back seat on the way to river talking about her T-rex and that there were three hundred, but once the T-rex got them there were only 290. :) I gave her a historical account of what happened since she was so inquisitive. Paul had mentioned wanting to go to Greece. His grandfather was from Crete and he was thinking it would be nice to go. Sounds like fun someday when we have money...Only a 14 hour plane trip for a person who doesn't really enjoy the thought of flying. I would like to see parts of Greece, but also would love visiting Ireland, Scotland, London (some things never change) so dreams for the future I guess.

At the trailer I cooked up some frozen pizzas, but my mom doesn't have any hot pads down there so I was using a towel. Lydia came over while I took the pizza out and she was talking to me and saying something about a fire and all of the sudden I found myself looking around wondering why it smelled like something was on fire. I looked down to find the towel on fire. I dropped it and stomped it out, but geez I could have started myself on fire. Lydia kept talking about the fire the rest of the night.

When we got home there was a message on the answering machine from work and they wanted me to come in for a couple hours to help set up so out I went in. It was actually nice to be back. Back around adults.

Lastly, I actually missed my treadmill while we were gone.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Yesterday was a really good day. I just felt really good. I tend to have a lot of days where I go through and just feel tired, old and just feel blah, but yesterday was a day I had no complaints and I love those days. I spent most of the day just cleaning and then about 6:30 I started to get ready because I was going out with a friend for dinner and a movie. I felt so good I even curled my hair and put make-up on. I usually wear make-up about twice a year. What made me feel best of all though was that when I was putting on make-up Mayme came in and asked, "Mom, why are you trying to make yourself more beautiful?" Best compliment ever.

I went into town and met my friend. We quick swung by Best Buy so I could buy the 300 soundtrack. :) We then went and had such a relaxing time visiting over supper and went to see the new Harry Potter movie at 10:30. I don't remember the last time I went to a movie that late and I forget how much fun it is. On the ride home I listened to my cd. It was a great way to end the night....or um, early morning.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


While the girls and I were away in Virginia my husband saw the movie "300" and loved it. It was released on dvd Tuesday and we watched it last night. I only wish I could have seen it in theatres. It was very brutal, but so very cool and there was a story to it. Normally I don't like in your face violence in movies, but in it was done in such a different way .. the movie was done more artistically. They could not have found anyone better than Gerard Butler to play King Leonidas. (He played the Phantom in "The Phantom of the Opera" movie. ) Watching the behind the scenes footage. These guys had to train by flipping over a tractor tire, hopping in and out, run around the outside and then flip it again and repeat. They did a lot of hard training and it shows. : ) So that doesn't hurt the movie any either. I can't wait to watch it again.