Our Visitor
Well we have had an opossum, bird, rabbit, frogs, toads, all in our window well at one time or another, but today we got visited by this little fella!

After many days of rain we got to go outside and run around. Lydia and I went inside while Mayme stayed out. Mayme came running in telling me there was a cat in the window well, but when I got down in the basement to get it out...it turns out it was a little kitty. At first when I saw it, it was meowing and shaking. When I opened the window it started hissing at me and trying to get out so I thought it was wild, but once I got a hold of it and held it close it immediately started purring. I had Mayme get Lydia and they both came down to the basement and we spent a lot of time just petting her. She was rubbing all around my neck and it took all the will power I had not only to reject the kids asking if we could keep it, but also to convince myself we didn't need another cat. After petting her we took her outside where I set out a bowl of food, but the kitty took off running. Lydia started crying and I told her that the baby had to go find it's mama so she couldn't stay. She seemed okay with that. So I guess we will stick to our two kitties.

Toonces went in for her annual shots last week. She is over 16 pounds. She has put on 2 pounds in the last year. Lovey is coming in at 11 so the cats are officially on a diet. No complaints yet.
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