A Good Day Besides The Rain
Well another day of rain, but it doesn't seem to be affecting me to bad yet. Sounds like some dry weather might be around the corner. Today I took the girls to see my sister and my nephews. I had a blanket to return to her and a movie to return to my nephew that I've had since April. The bonus was the my other nephew just drove in from KC last night about 12:30 so I got to see him too. I haven't seen him for a little over two years. It was just fun to hang out and just laugh. Especially when we talk about pink bear. :) They just make me laugh so hard.
My sister had surgery back in May and found out she will have to have another surgery. She was in a car accident last year where someone was making a turn and she was driving by and they hit her from the side. So she has been having numbness and middle ear pain. She had cracked a vertebrae in her neck which was causing a nerve to be pinched. They took a cadaver bone and placed it in her neck with some screws, but it seems to be not working so not the will go in through the back of the neck, use some bone off of her hip and place it in her neck with two metal rods. We have had our ups and downs, but I wish she didn't have to go through all this. She has had a lot to deal with.
We left around 2 because Lydia needed a nap and was making sure everyone knew it. She did fall asleep in the car and was good the rest of the night. Potty training has gone good. She had one accident, but the other 4 time she made it. She actually used the potty chair and then while I was cleaning it she told me she had to go again so I just grabbed her and held her over the toilet and she went. I grabbed out the Dora potty seat we have that fits in the regular toilet seat, but she can sit on it and not have to worry about falling in and she went again before bed. She just blows me away. I think it's just because Mayme didn't have any interest in that until she was older so I guess I am not quite prepared for how well she is doing, but I don't mind it one bit. I called my husband and told him all about her night and told him that it doesn't take much to excite me.
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