Friday, July 27, 2007

One Upon A Time...

We had such a busy week last week. Mayme started with her swimming lessons and successfully finished them. She will be ready to go on to level 2 next summer. There was so much going and it was so hot that I would drop her off and do errands while she was at lessons, but on Friday, Lydia and I stayed and watched her and I was so amazed and proud. She did such a great job. She indeed did look like a little mermaid.

Wednesday I took Mayme to the dentist and Lydia did very well while we were waiting. We would go back and forth looking at the fish and looking at the books. Every time we sat down by the books, Lydia would open one and start by saying "One Upon A Time". She has also started saying "Ladies and Gentlemen" when she's playing. I'm not sure where that came from. When Mayme was done with her appointment the dentist told me that it's time to make an appointment with an orthodontist. Mayme is finally getting her last molar in, but it is coming down with half of it coming down on the tooth next to it. Also her teeth that came in on the bottom came in behind her baby teeth and it is becoming crowded. So looks like we might need to remove some. We knew it was coming, but weren't expecting it so soon.

I am currently pushing my way through Harry Potter. I think it was my down fall that I didn't reread the 6th book to refresh my mind, but I was so eager to start this last one. I have been so paranoid about finding out happens before I got a chance to read it. I am now more than halfway and now the book is starting to pick up the pace and my mind is racing with the possibilities. I have been tired so that is why I haven't gotten through it very fast, but maybe it's partly because I don't want it to end too.

Some of funny Lydia things: She fell down the other day and said "Mama, I falled." It made me laugh because it made me think of "The Land Before Time". Also one day last week when we dropped of Mayme at swimming lessons "Proud Mary" came on the radio. Lydia kept asking "Where is it mama?" Where's Roddy?" The song is played at the end of "Flushed Away" and she was wondering where was the movie if she was hearing the song. When we got home I still had the song in my head so I started singing it while getting her out of the car. I sung "Took a big job in the city" to my surprise I hear Lydia say "working for the man." She makes me giggle.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

More Random Activites

Well sorry for the delay. I always have little things happen throughout the day, but I sit down to write and then I just don't feel like writing. Lydia has been growing up quite a bit lately or else maybe we are finally getting into a summer routine with each other. The other day out of the blue she came and asked me "Mama? Where's my toilet mama?" I tried potty training with her months ago, but it never did evolve so a couple of days ago I put it away thinking I would wait awhile. So now we have it out again. It is supposed to play music when it is used, but I haven't had any batteries in it. I thought since she was showing interest again I would try the batteries and see if the music made her more apt to give it a try, but it actually frightened her. "I don't like it Mama, don't like it" she said. So the batteries are out again. She sat on it once today, but not long enough for anything to happen and I just don't feel like letting her run around without a diaper on to try and see what happens....maybe I should though. We did have a milestone though. She has been deathly afraid of having her hair washed and last night was the first night we made it through with minimal tears and no screaming. I don't even wash it that much, but it gets to a point where it has to be done. She hates having her hair brushed also. Mayme-straight hair never cared. Lydia and curls...of course she is the one that hates it. But if I can keep her distracted long enough looking at my shirt or something it can be achieved.

Mayme is signed up for swimming lessons starting tomorrow. She seems to be pretty excited about it. She had her 1 month check up with her otorhinolaryngologist. I have loved saying that since we first had to see her doctor. After waiting half an hour to be seen we were in for about 2 minutes and out. He said everything looked good and that he would see her back in 6 months. She was so excited to tell him about all the things she can hear now. She says to me "I can even hear you and dad whispering mom".

Lydia has started to repeat a lot of what we say now. She was trying to talk to my husband yesterday and he kept telling he I don't understand what you are saying. So now she walks around saying "Do you understand mama?" On her time out today too she said "I understand mama." She seems to constantly ask why. I must say because a lot because now when I ask her why she says "Um, because...." but she never finishes it. It is cute. I think having Mayme gone a few nights made me realize that Lydia and I need time together too and not just the three of us all the time. She is a lot more cuddly with me and we are working to understand each other more. But she still throws herself down or screams like a good two year old.

Onto out of the blue things, my husband and I have discussed having more children and when I asked Mayme what she thought about having a baby brother or sister she said "yeah, i'd really like a little brother though". I said, a little sister would be great though too. "yeah, but I'd like a brother". I told her we wouldn't have a say in the matter. We know it would be hard to progress in that direction unless we get a different vehicle, but I think after about 6 months of deliberation we have decided on a Hyundai Sonata. We have to go look at one on the lot to see if it is as spacious as we hear, but it's about the largest thing we can afford. An SUV with the fuel alone would be tough and forget a Hybrid since those are quite out of our price range. So who knows what will transpire. Like I said....random activites.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's Just A Little More Quiet

Well tonight it's been just a little more quiet. Mayme is spending a couple of nights at her grandma's house and the house is so quiet. Lydia came with me today to take the cat to the vet for her yearly vaccinations and she was such a good girl. (The cat too) The kitty would meow and meow and Lydia would say "It's okay kitty, it's okay. You're doing a good job, good job." We got to the appt. on time, but unfortunately a surgery was taking longer than expected and so they had called in the other doctor so they asked if I could wait. It was fine since I didn't have anything else planned for the day, but it did take 45 minutes to have the cat looked at. Lydia and I occupied our time by talking to the cat and then I let her dig through my billfold and I was spinning change on the floor which she just giggled at. Who knew it was such a big hit. When we got home it was time to make my husband dinner before he had to leave for work and once he left Lydia and I made some cookies. I set her on the counter and she helped pour in ingredients. It was really fun. When May is home I usually let her do it all, but I sometimes forget that Lydia can help with these things too. So we ate some cookie dough while waiting for the cookies to bake. Then of course we had to have a cookie after it was baked too. Then we just kind of hung out together playing. I think it is good for Lydia and Mayme to have their time apart. I was so happy that Mayme gave me a call not too long ago. She told me all about her day. She sounds so grown up on the phone. Tomorrow I sign her up for swimming lessons and then I am going over to my dad's to attempt to clean. I have soooooo much stuff there it is not even funny. I have to go through it though. My grandma is going to come and just watch Lydia while I am upstairs. It is so funny how many times I've gone up and down the stairs in that house without thinking about it, but when you don't do it on a daily basis. Those stairs are kind of scary. No wonder I fell down them all the time as a kid.

Lydia requested to go to bed a half an hour earlier than her bed time so I have been just hanging out. I am in the process of rereading Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix. Since the husband is working 16 nights in the next 2 and half weeks I know I won't get there to see the movie so I thought at least I can refresh my memory. The books are always better than the movies, but I heard this movie was pretty good.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Lucky Number 7-7-7-7

Well yesterday Miss May turned 7 on 7-07-07 also on the seventh day of the week. It was a really special day for a really special girl and I think everyone knew we had to celebrate. The last week or so May has been trying to figure out what we were getting her which of course I wasn't going to tell her. Friday night she helped me clean and get ready and before bed I told her about the night she was born. We had watched some older videos of her earlier in the evening and it's funny that I don't realize how much she changes. Even from her when she was 5 she is just so different and continuing to grow up....(against my wishes. ) No, she really is a wonderful girl and I am eager to see who she turns out to be, but.....not too eager. She is just so special and it seems everyone we've met has always said that too. That there is just something about her. You can tell I'm a proud mom. Saturday morning I woke up and May was up already visited with her dad. She told me that they were talking about what time of day we had all been born at and then said "I'm 7 already now!" It was sweet. The day was going to be a hot one. It reminded of me of the day she was born. We baked May's cake in the morning while it wasn't too hot yet and then went in to get last minute supplies, as well as lottery tickets. I had to hope I might get a little bit of luck. After spending 31 dollars on tickets we actually did get back 27 dollars. I didn't realize that lottery tickets we picked out were 5 dollars a piece, but I thought what the hey. I never buy them and with 42 chances I figured I better win something. I told May whatever we won we would split. Unless it was 77,777 then I would give her 100 dollars and she was really excited by that. It was cute. We had our party later in the day which was nice because we didn't feel so rushed. Our kitchen sink decided to give us issues so that was a pain while guests were arriving, but we got it to work thank goodness. The grandparents made it, my aunt, my best friend and her sister (my other best friend) who was home from Virginia. I was so excited that they were here for the party. They are really good aunties to my girls. My brother, his wife and family came too. Everything went really smooth and I think that's because we've done this enough now ... or something. (As I am typing this I am listening to the US Army Band playing Army Strong. The music that plays on the Army Strong ads in the movie theatres. Man those ads make me want to join the army. (No offense to Marines or the Navy!) or Air Force or Coast Guard. Did I get it all covered? Anyway I really like the music...that was a by the by) Anyway, May got really nice things and she just said she LOVED everything. She is a very blessed girl to have so many people that love her.

Today my husband and I got to see Transformers and that movie was AWESOME! I really liked it. It was just a great summer movie.

4th of July

Well the last few days have been kind of busy. We kicked things really off with the Fourth of July. It was a steamy morning and so we knew it was going to be hot! We had to hike about 4 blocks once we got in my hometown for the parade, but luckily we were able to sit with a friend and her family otherwise it's a pain to try and figure out where to sit. So it was really nice to have some people set up and we could sit by them. It was just a lot of fun even though it was indeed hot. The parade didn't last that long, but May sure got a lot of candy. I couldn't believe it. It seems the last few parades we've gone too that each vehicle may throw out 1 or 2 pieces of candy, but they were throwing them out by the handful. The girls had a good time. After the parade we hiked back to the car and tried to drive to the other side which normally would take about a minute and a half, but it took us close to half an hour due to traffic. We stopped in at my grandma's because my aunt and uncle were down for the parade. It was nice to visit with them. I don't think I've seen them since their anniversary party last August. My dad was there too. It was funny because we were sitting outside and May was just talking up a storm with my aunt and my dad reached over and said "You can see the change in her already" referring to her hearing. It's true. She has just been talking nonstop and I think that is because she has the tubes in that now she can hear so she actually join in the conversation. It was pretty neat. We left close to 6 and came home. Lyd fell asleep right away in the car. When we got home I put her on the bed and both my husband and I caught a little nap as well. Lyd woke up at 8 which was great because we wanted to head back into town for fireworks. It's always special to go in for fireworks basically because it's tradition. I go to my best friends parents house and even through all her college years and moving in several different states over the last 11 years that has almost always been the guarantee when I am going to see her. It was special this time because she, her husband, and daughter left yesterday for New York. They are off on a new adventure and I am so happy for them although I am going to miss them dearly since they have been a mere three hours away. I have been blessed that I live near by the grandparents so I have been able to visit with her when she has come to visit. It's just a new chapter for them and I am excited for them. It was nice to visit with them before they headed out. She is pregnant and it hit me when we left that the next time I see them there will be one more. It was one of the best Fourth of July's ever.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Too Funny!

Well I haven't been writing because there hasn't been much going on, but I have been keeping track of a few cute things the girls have been doing. We have been working on Lydia not yelling so much. The other morning she yelled "Get out!" at Mayme and when I reminded her not to yell, she looked at May and said "Get out.....please!" It's a work in progress. We went over to my dad's yesterday. As soon as we pulled in the driveway Lydia yells "Yeah, papa's house!" then quietly says. "I like him." Mayme got to ride the lawn mower. She came over to me with this sad look, gave a heavy sigh and said "Mom, I just wish I could ride the lawn mower again." When I told her that sometime she would be able to, 5 minutes later she was over at Grandpa repeating the same thing. Little actress that one. Grandpa let her mow and once again I had to chase her down from the barn bridge so he wouldn't go off the edge. sigh. While we were there Lydia had a glass of pop and she spilled. I just shook my head, sighed, and said "Oh, Lydia" and Lydia looks at me and says "Lydia Jane". Apparently she knows she gets called that if it's something serious.

Today a friend from high school came by for a visit. I haven't seen her for about 6 years although we've stayed in touch through e-mail. It was nice to catch up on her and her family. After that Lydia and I headed off into town for some birthday shopping. While Mayme has been recuperating we went to the Toys R Us website to look for birthday ideas. I was hoping that because we found things online that we would also find them in the store. Since the last time I was there they have remodeled and everything was easy to find. I found all the items within minutes. Lydia and looked around and she did well. I didn't know how she would do going into a toy store. While we were there we ran across a Woody and Jessie pull string doll set. May had said she wanted them as well. So I decided I would get them for both of them. After about 20 mintutes trying to get each doll out of the box I handed them to Lydia to play with on the ride home. All of the sudden I heard Lydia making kissing sounds. Apparently Woody and Jessie have a romance going on. At one point I asked "What are they doing back there? Playing?" Lydia replied "No, mama, holding hands!". Another romantic in the family it seems.