More Random Activites
Well sorry for the delay. I always have little things happen throughout the day, but I sit down to write and then I just don't feel like writing. Lydia has been growing up quite a bit lately or else maybe we are finally getting into a summer routine with each other. The other day out of the blue she came and asked me "Mama? Where's my toilet mama?" I tried potty training with her months ago, but it never did evolve so a couple of days ago I put it away thinking I would wait awhile. So now we have it out again. It is supposed to play music when it is used, but I haven't had any batteries in it. I thought since she was showing interest again I would try the batteries and see if the music made her more apt to give it a try, but it actually frightened her. "I don't like it Mama, don't like it" she said. So the batteries are out again. She sat on it once today, but not long enough for anything to happen and I just don't feel like letting her run around without a diaper on to try and see what happens....maybe I should though. We did have a milestone though. She has been deathly afraid of having her hair washed and last night was the first night we made it through with minimal tears and no screaming. I don't even wash it that much, but it gets to a point where it has to be done. She hates having her hair brushed also. Mayme-straight hair never cared. Lydia and curls...of course she is the one that hates it. But if I can keep her distracted long enough looking at my shirt or something it can be achieved.
Mayme is signed up for swimming lessons starting tomorrow. She seems to be pretty excited about it. She had her 1 month check up with her otorhinolaryngologist. I have loved saying that since we first had to see her doctor. After waiting half an hour to be seen we were in for about 2 minutes and out. He said everything looked good and that he would see her back in 6 months. She was so excited to tell him about all the things she can hear now. She says to me "I can even hear you and dad whispering mom".
Lydia has started to repeat a lot of what we say now. She was trying to talk to my husband yesterday and he kept telling he I don't understand what you are saying. So now she walks around saying "Do you understand mama?" On her time out today too she said "I understand mama." She seems to constantly ask why. I must say because a lot because now when I ask her why she says "Um, because...." but she never finishes it. It is cute. I think having Mayme gone a few nights made me realize that Lydia and I need time together too and not just the three of us all the time. She is a lot more cuddly with me and we are working to understand each other more. But she still throws herself down or screams like a good two year old.
Onto out of the blue things, my husband and I have discussed having more children and when I asked Mayme what she thought about having a baby brother or sister she said "yeah, i'd really like a little brother though". I said, a little sister would be great though too. "yeah, but I'd like a brother". I told her we wouldn't have a say in the matter. We know it would be hard to progress in that direction unless we get a different vehicle, but I think after about 6 months of deliberation we have decided on a Hyundai Sonata. We have to go look at one on the lot to see if it is as spacious as we hear, but it's about the largest thing we can afford. An SUV with the fuel alone would be tough and forget a Hybrid since those are quite out of our price range. So who knows what will transpire. Like I said....random activites.
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