Monday, June 25, 2007

One Week Down, One To Go

So I am so ready for the next week to come and go. Then, I will really feel like my summer will have started. A lot of worrying about May and about making sure she gets her meds on time and making sure she is eating what she should. I will be so happy when two weeks are up and I can say "EAT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!" "RUN AROUND LIKE CRAZY!" Today was a good day though. She was feeling good all day and said she felt like she had never been sick. Her appetite is back too which I was happy to see. I know she has been disappointed in her options of food at this point, but today I went grocery shopping and bought her a wide variety of macaroni and cheese. She was happy about it so I was satisfied.

We spent most of the morning outside. The girls for the most part can play real well and Mayme is very good about watching Lydia if I need to run in to switch laundry or get caught up on folding laundry. I love doing laundry (for the most part), but we put up a laundry line now so I am doing laundry all the time just because I love drying them on the line.

At lunchtime Mayme was asking me all kinds of questions about fun things I used to do when I was kid. So I was having fun telling her about the fact that for the longest time we didn't have a remote control and actually had to get up to change the channel and that we didn't have a microwave. I told her that we just played outside all the time and that I was such a mama's girl that I would get up at 3 in the morning with my mom and follow her down to the barn and then would sleep in the milk room while she milked the cows. That we would occasionally try to ride the calves and try to find where the new batches of kittens were. That we would go to the neighbors and play, go to the bookmobile that would come to the end of the gravel road and that we would go to the store for ice cream or grape pop at the end of that same road. It was fun that she was so interested. I keep waiting for her to pick up that Grandpa and Grandma G were married at one time. I tell her about how Grandpa farmed and then they weren't making so much money so he had to get a job off the farm and Grandma G then farmed during the day. I kept thinking she would ask about Grandpa D, but she didn't which I am thankful for. I am not sure how I would explain it, but I know she would probably not have a hard time comprehending it I just would hate for her to bring it up to them....I don't know.

Lydia and I have been spending some alone time. We had a late birthday celebration for my dad with my brother and his family yesterday. I left May at home with daddy so she could rest. Today Lydia and I went to get groceries together. She is such a helper. Unfortunately she missed her nap and by the time we got home she wasn't real excited about waiting for supper, but she did and afterwards she came up to me and asked "Mama, sleep?" I asked if she was tired and she said yes. So she went to bed early. I keep thinking I am going to bed early, but still find myself up at 1 or 2 in the morning. Maybe tonight will be the night.


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