Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today Was A Good Day

Today was a really good day. I love how great the kids at work make me feel. The other day I was talking to a group of girls and they all give me hugs everyday and say hi. They are 6th graders and I enjoy every bit I get to talk with them because usually when they become seventh graders they don't want to talk to you as much if at all. I was talking about my girls and one of the girls there asked "You have kids?" and I said yes and said I had two. she said "You don't look old enough to have kids." TOTALLY made my day since any fifth grader will guess I am in my 40's. I just remember being that way as a kid too. Everyone was just old. Today I walked into the library and the class in there all started shouting "Mrs. S..." and waving. The teacher was said "Wow it's like you are a celebrity." It just makes me feel great that they acknowledge me since as we deal with seventh and eigth graders they don't seem to want to acknowledge anyone. I am trying to learn more names of fifth graders and that seems to be going well. Today I guessed one kid and immediately everyone at the table said "What's my name?" So I told them to sit in the same spots and they'd have to quiz me tomorrow. Plus I love when I feel like I am getting through to someone. One the boys was giving another boy a hard time because he wanted to read the same book the other boy was. He was saying that he was copying him and when I got the boy alone I told him he should take it easy and realize that the boy wanting to read the same book as him is not copying and that in fact he should feel honored that this other kid looks up to because he wants to do the same things and that he should be a leader. I think he really heard me, but I guess I'll see how that worked tomorrow.
I right now am eagerly awaiting to hear if our basketball team made it to state!!! They are playing tonight and if they win they will play next Thursday and rumor is we won't have school. I already am taking a half day Friday to take Lydia for her 2 year appt. and get some birthday supplies and cleaning done before the birthday party. I looked at her tonight and I said you only have one more day of being one forever. :( She was such a good girl for me tonight, but I think she is getting sick. She had a low temp this evening so she was pretty mellow. Odd not to see her running around all over the place. Mayme had the book fair and so we had plenty to read tonight. I am such a sucker for books.

Tomorrow is Friday-yippee!


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