Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Maybe The Spray Bottle Wouldn't Have Been So Bad

I made the mistake of leaving the bathroom door open, but just when I think there is nothing Lydia can get into she proves me wrong. She came out to me and was telling me something about water and I followed her into the bathroom and she had gotten a hold of the spray bottle we use for the cats if they are scratching on the couch. She had bee spraying it all over the bathroom so I tightened it up so it wouldn't spray and told her she would just have to pretend. So mistake number two was walking out of the bathroom and leaving her alone again. I went back to check on her and she had a soaking wet washcloth and was cleaning the sink and there was water all over the floor. I know she can't reach the faucet so I was puzzled as to where she got the water from and then noticed the toilet lid up. And then halfway through writing this blog I went to our spare bedroom to see crayon decorated all over the wall. Ugh.


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