Lucky Number 7-7-7-7
Well yesterday Miss May turned 7 on 7-07-07 also on the seventh day of the week. It was a really special day for a really special girl and I think everyone knew we had to celebrate. The last week or so May has been trying to figure out what we were getting her which of course I wasn't going to tell her. Friday night she helped me clean and get ready and before bed I told her about the night she was born. We had watched some older videos of her earlier in the evening and it's funny that I don't realize how much she changes. Even from her when she was 5 she is just so different and continuing to grow up....(against my wishes. ) No, she really is a wonderful girl and I am eager to see who she turns out to be, but.....not too eager. She is just so special and it seems everyone we've met has always said that too. That there is just something about her. You can tell I'm a proud mom. Saturday morning I woke up and May was up already visited with her dad. She told me that they were talking about what time of day we had all been born at and then said "I'm 7 already now!" It was sweet. The day was going to be a hot one. It reminded of me of the day she was born. We baked May's cake in the morning while it wasn't too hot yet and then went in to get last minute supplies, as well as lottery tickets. I had to hope I might get a little bit of luck. After spending 31 dollars on tickets we actually did get back 27 dollars. I didn't realize that lottery tickets we picked out were 5 dollars a piece, but I thought what the hey. I never buy them and with 42 chances I figured I better win something. I told May whatever we won we would split. Unless it was 77,777 then I would give her 100 dollars and she was really excited by that. It was cute. We had our party later in the day which was nice because we didn't feel so rushed. Our kitchen sink decided to give us issues so that was a pain while guests were arriving, but we got it to work thank goodness. The grandparents made it, my aunt, my best friend and her sister (my other best friend) who was home from Virginia. I was so excited that they were here for the party. They are really good aunties to my girls. My brother, his wife and family came too. Everything went really smooth and I think that's because we've done this enough now ... or something. (As I am typing this I am listening to the US Army Band playing Army Strong. The music that plays on the Army Strong ads in the movie theatres. Man those ads make me want to join the army. (No offense to Marines or the Navy!) or Air Force or Coast Guard. Did I get it all covered? Anyway I really like the music...that was a by the by) Anyway, May got really nice things and she just said she LOVED everything. She is a very blessed girl to have so many people that love her.
Today my husband and I got to see Transformers and that movie was AWESOME! I really liked it. It was just a great summer movie.
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