I'm Not It!
Well I am home today and for once it's not me. Paul and Lydia are both sick so I am home nursemaiding today. The sun is shining and I must admit sometimes it's nice to stay home and take care of the ones I love. It's when they are throwing up that I would much rather be at work since it's harder to be at home seeing them go through all the pain and cleaning up the mess. Yesterday we went into town to get Mayme a new bookcase. She has so many books and I allot so much money a month for her to gets book from scholastic. The bookcase she has now is filled and overflowing with books on top, books in front of... I saw a good deal on a 71 in. tall bookshelf and told her that instead of books this month that I wanted to get her a bookshelf because I want her to take care of her books and I didn't want to buy her anymore if she didn't have a place for them. She was all for it. We also went into town to get her bangs cut and find her a lamp. She had a lamp in her room and then we put that in Lydia's room, but have found that Mayme really needs one back in her room too. It was a good quick trip and I think she thought it was fun that it was kind of an "all about her" trip. We were so excited to get home and put together the bookshelf, but unfortunately the guy who loaded it in the truck failed to noticed or noticed and did not care that there was a piece of the box ripped off on one side and the wood was chipped. We didn't look it over side to side when they set it in. Ergh! So we are going to have to take it back. Yesterday Lydia was so tired and I thought it was because she didn't get a nap, but she started with a nasty cough now on Saturday. She fell asleep around 5 and most times when she falls asleep at that time she will sleep through the night, but nope. She woke up around 9 and was just hot. Her temp was close to 102 and everytime she coughed she cried and she told me her neck hurt. So I think she had a sore throat. I gave her some tylenol. All she wanted to do was breastfeed. After a couple hours though of her wanting to nurse and then not and then again. Well...it was time to try and get her back to bed. I laid her down and she started to whimper and I just told her that I just needed her to try and sleep. She said na night and was quiet. I called in thinking it would be a long night and she would be up a lot, but she ended up sleeping through the night. Her temp isn't as high today, but you can tell she still doesn't feel up to par. Paul is sick too though so I guess it helps him out too by me being home. I am VERY fortunate to have a job that is so understanding about taking sick days not just for me but my family as well.
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