Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Loo too!

Tonight was the cutest thing. L and I were in my bedroom while I was trying to get some pictures from October transfered from the camera to the computer. She found a small backpack of M's and started walking out of the room. I said "Are you going to school?" and she said "Yep" to which she started closing the door and I said I love you and she said "loo too". For awhile now she's been saying "too" when I tell her I love her, but now it's "loo too". She would come back into the room and I would say Hi and ask her how her day was and she would say good. Then it started all over. It was nice to have a cute moment considering tonight was a fascination with the toilet night. First she was flushing the toilet and then I caught her putting her hands in the toilet and last but not least she put almost a whole roll of tp in the toilet. So she definently needed a cute moment to get back on my good side. M was watching Cars this evening and L was watching it too so I went back up to my room to continue working on the pictures and sure enough in about three minutes time I heard yell up "Ma!!" and I heard her say to herself "Buh bye cars" and close the door and then she came up to visit me.

Last night we had M's Christmas concert. It was a cold night, but it was so nice that we got there early enough to get a good parking spot. Unfortunately a lot of space was already filled inside so we got a spot where we couldn't even see M. That was kind of sad and then we forgot the video camera. But it was still a great concert and L behaved herself which made it more enjoyable as well. M gave us her Christmas present she was working on at school. Last year it was coffee mugs decorated by her and this year was a calendar. Every month has a different picture that she made in art class. I absolutely love it!!! These are the things that make school so enjoyable. All the things they make and bring home. I love it!! Tonight she seemed kind of down and she told me how one of the older kids was kind of being a bully and so we talked about how last year she was having issues with some of the boys, but then Ryan moved to town and became her best friend. She was quick to say "I fell in love with Ryan". I was like, um.........ok.

Tomorrow is my big birthday. I have already been wished happy birthday 5 times in the last two days. My birthday is just surrounded with just too much scurrying for Christmas I think. I just look at it like I get to celebrate more than one day so it's all good.


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