Sunday, October 22, 2006

Is It Really Sunday Already?

So here it is Sunday night already. I don't know where the last five days went, but they went. Wednesday my husband and I picked up a few Christmas gifts and the made it to see "Flyboys". It was very good. Thursday we spent most of the day at the clinic. I took my mom and as it turns out my husband had an appt too. We thought it was going to be Wednesday so it worked out that we were all there at the same time. Friday we were in the cities for my great uncle'hs funeral. It was wonderful funeral. It was so focused on the happiness that was in his life and no sorrow for him being gone. They actually had music playing in the background while the pastor was giving the euology. Like there favorite song played in the background when he spoke about how my great uncle and his wife met. There is no doubt he is in a better place now. Dancing with his lovely Helen. Saturday I was trying to catch up on all the cleaning and things I had been avoiding. I went to a krubb supper at my former church with my grandma. That was a lot of fun. I've only had it once, but for some reason about a month ago I was really craving it. I was glad to with her. Today again has been "catch up". M today came over to me and asked me to look behind her bottom teeth and tell her what was there. I took a look and sure enough there was a tooth behind the baby tooth sticking out. Another was on it's way to the surface so tomorrow we will be calling the dentist. :(

So that sums it all up. It was a nice break.


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