A few more things
So I remembered a few more things. Actually I lie. I found my list of things I had wanted to write. I can't remember what I had for breakfast let alone what's been going on the last couple of weeks. I went to go pick up M from her dance class last week and when I walked in the door she saw me and was trying to tell me something, but her dance teacher was trying to talk to the kids so I was kind of trying to give her the Shhh sign. Then finally I hear her say "Mom Grace is in my dance class!" I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but Grace is homeschooled so it was quite exciting for M to have her in the class. I think for Gracie too, to have M in the class. L now has been puckering her lips like a fish now when she wants to give a kiss. It is the cutest thing. Her favorite book for the longest time has been one fish two fish. We usually only make it through the third page and then she closes the book and says. Ba bye. She does that everytime she closes a book. Her new favorite is The Many Faces Of Ernie. After the first night we read it the next day she brought it to me and said "Nernie?" :) We celebrated a couple of birthdays. Princess Lily turned 3 and Prince William turned 5. Nice parties for both. Since their birthdays are so close together we had one on a Saturday and one the following Saturday. Lily got a swing set from her grandma and grandpa. My brother who has no mechanical ability whatsoever....which he owns up to was left to putting it together himself so my husband offered to help if he wanted so we drove up to the cities and spent the day. Lily is so cute. Everytime a plane would fly over she would say it was going to the airplane port. What a doll. Baby Luke who is 6 months old is 24 pounds already. L is 26. He's a big boy. So beautiful though. I see his daddy, but I also see me. He is definently our side of the family. Where Lily looks just like her mom. It's funny though to look at him and think that this was where we were last year. They do change so fast. Okay now that is it for now...who knows when I shall return, but hopefully soon. For you LOST fans WOOHOO! Tomorrow night!
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