Friday, September 15, 2006

Waiting for the other shoe

Well another week has been successful and fairly easy. I get very suspicious when things go good...especially when they go good for a long time. Then I start wondering when something is going to go wrong. I'm trying to take things day by day and go with the flow. Seems to be working thus far. Work has been good. Our poor secretary has had so much to do that I have been helping in the mornings. I don't mind doing it, but it hasn't left much time for me to get my things done so the work is piling on. They interviewed for a 4 hour position to help her out so soon I won't need to be helping anymore. Today it was easy since the phones weren't working so we couldn't get in any outside calls. Fairly quiet. :) M went back to school today and it seems all went well. She was very excited to show me a toy horse she got to take home for the weekend because she was such a good listener. It's strange now that I finally don't feel like such an outcast at her school. Last year I would go and wait for her in the cafeteria until school let out and it seemed like all the parents knew eachother and I just was "there." I tried to make conversation which although is getting easier for me I still find it difficult. Really I only talked with M's friend Ryan's mom. Unfortunately she always waited in her car for him so we never talked a whole lot, but this year is nice because one of my co-workers daughter just started kindergarten so we both pick up the girls so I feel like I have someone I can talk to now. Plus knowing some of the teachers is nice too. The office staff knows me because of M's fall causing her to get stitches and of course her record at the school for the most times throwing up. She leaves a legacy already. haha! I kind of like the way things are right now that I am almost am thinking two kids is enough, but I just feel like I am too young to make that decision completely. It's funny how in a year how much more easier things become. They become harder too in new tantrums, but I think that will happen in every stage. Tomorrow we go and celebrate cousin Lily's 3rd birthday. All of her tests have come back good. She goes back in December and if everything is good she won't have to go back to the doctor for another year. It's really a day to celebrate. Monday my grandma is having a biopsy done. She is still having bladder issues so this is the last resort to find out what is the problem. I know she is very fearful of it, but she wants to find out what's going on. As we all do. So say a little prayer. I guess I will stop rambling for tonight.


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