Everyday now it seems that L is vocalizing more and more. She is fascinated with ears and eyes right now. These are all the words she's saying right now: shoes, eyes, ears, "ock" for socks, juice, sauce for applesauce, pup for puppy, hot, more, mama, meow, dada,may may, yep, and her new one today is "no". But not in the way you would think. M and I have a new favorite song.."Black Horse and the Cherry Tree" and if you don't know it, the chorus sings "No, no. No, no, no, no. I said no, no. You're not the one for me." We were listening and singing it on the ride home from getting groceries and when I went to unbuckle L there she was saying "no, no". It caught me offguard like "Where did you learn that word!" and then it dawned on me. I started singing it to her and she got a big smile on her face. It was awesome. So I brought her inside and showed M. M gets so excited...she said "Mom that's her first song!!" So right now it's a good word to know. We have been working with M to make sure she says "L that is M's don't play with it", if there is a sharing issue. We try to avoid the "mine" word as much as possible. The last few nights have been late so I will call it a bit earlier tonight. I am not going to be ready to return to work in three weeks. We head up north about 4 hours tomorrow. I hope L does okay not sleeping her bed...thank goodness it's only a couple of nights.
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