Hold on to these moments as they pass
December is always a time of excitement for me. I have my birthday and my favorite holiday all rolled into the same month. I never used to get really excited over my birthday but it seems more and more that I really feel it REALLY is something to celebrate and not just wait for those certain numbers 30, 40.... Every year should be a celebration. I can't believe I haven't written here for almost month. It seems like so much has happened unfortunately I haven't taken notes to remember. M lost her first tooth the day before Thanksgiving and that was a wonderful thing. FINALLY, I think she thought. We don't know if she ate the tooth or if it fell out while she was sleeping so we didn't have a tooth to leave for the tooth fairy, but M wrote a nice note for her. She told me that she thought the tooth fairy was going to bring her a wad of money tied up with a rubberband. I had to tell her most likely it would be less than that. She was so excited the next morning to find a 1 dollar bill under her pillow. We had a very nice Thanksgiving. It was probably that first time I felt real relaxed. I had the house cleaned mostly by Tuesday night so Wednesday I got to relax. My lovely little 20 month old threw my phone in the sink which caused a minor malfunction for a few days, but luckily it dried out. I didn't know that would work but it did. My first turkey experience went well. Thankfully I could call my grandma for a few quick questions. We enjoyed my grandma, dad, and mother-in-law with much laughter, food, wine, and fun. Friday the girls and I put up the Christmas tree, hung the garland and put on the decorations. We also baked, baked, baked and baked some more. Normally I am all excited about it, but it was hard this year to get in the mood with no snow on the ground. M confessed a secret that she had kissed her best friend Ryan on the cheek in the hallway at school when she was in kindergarten. I found myself thinking "And, when were you going to tell me this???" It made me giggle. L had a hard time with letting all the Christmas cookies cool. I found us having a showdown at the table. I was sitting at one end and she was sitting opposite me right in front of the cookies. She kept trying to touch one and I kept telling her no. After the fourth time she stopped and looked at me, quick grabbed a cookie, took a bite, and just as quickly set it back down. It took all I had not to burst out into laughter as I took her to the couch for a time out. Those are the hardest moments. So now L is taking a nap while daddy and M are off to a monster truck show. I find myself wondering what I will tonight after L goes to bed? Read? Watch a movie? OOooh I just don't know. :) To be continued....
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