Smells Like Teen Spirit
So this evening was so funny. The girls were eating their supper. M sits at the table while L sits to the side of her in her highchair. I decided to put on a Tori Amos cd I have of her doing a couple of covers. One of which is the cover of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit". We had just heard Nirvana's version about a week ago in the car on the way home from getting groceries and to my surprise tonight when M heard the Tori Amos version she said "Hey I know this song. It's the one those boys sing. I like that version better because it's faster." So who am I to neglect her. I put on Nirvana and it was hilarious because the minute the guitar riff started her and L simultaneously started moving there shoulders in exact synch with one another and looked just like twins dancing to the music. Like they had planned it, but they were both looking at me and didn't even realize it. I so wish I would have had a video camera going. It was great!
Hard to believe Thanksgiving will be here soon. M is very excited to try turkey. Basically because we recently saw Garfield 2 and she saw him eating a turkey leg. So she thinks she's going to be doing that. :)
I am very thankful that the elections are now over. I was so tired of being bombarded with such negative ads. M always amazes me with her memory and with her attention to detail. When I picked her up from school yesterday she said "Mom, I told Mrs. Knoll that people were saying mean things about Patty Wetterling." I didn't realize she was paying that much attention to those commercials. She went along with us to vote yesterday and the minute we came out of the voting booth there she was waiting for me and said "So, who'd you vote for?" She is so funny.
L had a rough night tonight. 3 times she had a time out. The last week she has been very big about giving kisses now and now I will connect how these to relate. Anytime she is with me and I say ow if she accidentally scratches me or if i say "be gentle" she gives me a kiss which is nice except tonight she hit me and then right away came in to give me a kiss. And it was like no that's not how that works. You can give the kisses, but no hitting. Then the other times she would take something from M (pen-notebook) and refuse to give it back. Ooh she can be stubborn. It's all about learning though right? I do see progress, but some nights when they just don't want to follow the rules it seems like things haven't changed.
Anyway, I have one day left and a three day weekend. WOOHOO!
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