One More Week Down
So I believe we are down to 14 to 15 days. Yippee!! I didn't do much over the weekend. Saturday I went out with a friend for lunch and got groceries. Sunday, Paul made breakfast for me, and then Mayme and I went with my mom to the flower place to get some flowers and bushes. I came home and planted while trying not to fly away. It has been so terribly windy and today out on the blacktop during recess the sand would just hit a persons legs and sting. The oldest group of kids I worked with when I started my job at the school are seniors this year and I got my first invite for a graduation. It's pretty neat to have that happen. Lydia is finally growing up a bit more I notice. Not so many tantrums or mood swings so that is making me feel very relieved. Mayme seems to be asking a lot of questions about her surgery so it must be weighing on her mind. Poor girl. Today went by really fast and it feels like the end is in reach....and also like it will never get here. Tomorrow is the last time this school year they will have pretzels for lunch. Nice and healthy pretzels with cheese. It is one of my favorite treats. I can't wait.