Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is it warm yet??

Well we survived the monster truck show and we all still have our hearing. We almost didn't make it for the fact that a couple hours before we were to leave Mayme pulled on Lydia's arm so hard that Lydia screamed everytime she tried to move it. Lydia fell asleep on top of me and when Paul's mom came to watch her so we could go she woke up and started screaming all over again and her arm was a bit swollen. We put some ice on it, but it seemed that there was no stopping it. So Paul and I decided to take her to the ER. I figured I would sit in the backseat with her while Paul drove, but the minute we got to the stop sign at the end of our road she was waving it around happy as can be. We called the ER to see what they said and they said as long as she was moving it around not to worry about it. So we turned back around and exchanged Lydia for Mayme and headed to the cities. (The only thing we can think of is that when Lydia fell asleep her arm stiffened from where it hurt...maybe that's why it hurt so bad right away??) All that matters is that it was nothing serious. Oh the joys of having more than one child. Reminds me of the time my brother broke my arm. haha!

We did have a good time Saturday night and got home around midnight. We all slept in Sunday morning, Lydia was battling her cold still and she slept in until 10. Today I was just rushing all day it seems. I rushed to work and after work I had to rush and pick up Mayme so I could take her to dance class and help her get into her uniform. Class is usually at 3:15 and that's what time pictures were set for, but every year it seems people think they can just show up whenever. It wouldn't have been so bad except along with individual photos they take a group photo. So even though May was done at 3:20 we didn't get everyone for the group photo until ten to 4. Oh well. Then I had to run to my mom's and pick up some stuff. During this time Paul called to tell me the furnace wasn't working. Our furnace is old and so it seems when we get done with a cold, cold snap it quits working. Of course it's still cold though so I thought I was going to have to take the girls and spend the night at my dad's, but the furnace guy came and fixed it so now the heat is a-going, but it still is chilly. I think we have finally reached 60 degrees. I am so excited we don't have school Friday, but I am completely spoiled by these 4 day weeks. It's will be a bit longer until the next one now. I dont know where January has gone.


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