Happy New Year (A Little Late)
So FINALLY I am back on here, but anyone who reads this knows by now it is usually few and far between. Baby is getting older so maybe I will be able to get on here more. It is hard to believe that Julia is will be 7 weeks already. I am now half way done with m maternity leave. She is a beautiful and sweet baby. I can't help but think that someone in heaven put in a special request. Up until I delivered I don't know why, but I was extremely nervous as to how I would handle being the mom of 4. I think just because this was a surprise for us it just threw me. I just didn't know how I would do it and have time for everyone. Right after she was born though all my worry went out the window. Holding that little baby in my arms I couldn't help but say to Paul, "How could anyone think this could be an accident." We have made our way and I think rather smoothly. George has really not been bothered about sharing his time and has been patient. Something I did not expect. Lydia had a rough start. She missed the long snuggly time before bed. Reading stories and playing, but now that Julia is older we are able to get back to that a bit. All the kids are eager to help when Julia is crying. George at times a little too eager, but he's a good boy. She just started smiling at 5 1/2 weeks and now is cooing right along. She is much more entertaining now and it amazes me how fast that happens. I believe she is going to wake up soon so I will go ahead and post this. Maybe next time she'll give me a little longer.