So I have yet to make it a full week of work within in a months time. Since Mayme was sick with pneumonia, the following week was short due to MEA which I guess I made those two days, but then Lydia got hit with the 24 hour flu bug again, then the following she got pink eye and yesterday I was home sick. I wonder if we will ever get out of this.
I also find myself up late at night thinking about baby things and getting ready. I am trying to figure out if I want to try to move George into a bed now or wait until a few months after the baby. We have yet to get another infant seat since our other is out of date that we used for Lydia and George. I had a check up last week and have to preregister for the room and make out our birthing plan. So it turns out that this baby will actually be coming and that alone sometimes keeps me up. Baby is very active at night too so I have a reminder. : )