Faster Then I Planned
So everything that I thought would be happening down the road seems to happening faster than I was planning on. I just can't keep up. We had planned on putting Mayme in the downstairs bedroom as soon as the baby was born and put the baby in with Lydia. Well now that we have thought about it we've decided that George and Lydia will share a room. Mayme has been telling me she has been a little nervous about sleeping in her own room. (For as much as she wanted her own room I think she was quite happy to have had Lydia in the same room with her.) I told her we would keep our eyes open for some nice sheets she would like and I would buy them so she could have them in her new room to help ease her into the transition. We found some and now she is already sleeping downstairs. Up until now it's been a toy room and I was planning to move all the toys upstairs and move out boxes I have from my Grandma's house that are sitting in there, but I was thinking in a few more months. I did not think it would be so soon she would want to take on the room, so now I'm thinking about where to put everything and trying to get it done before school starts. Lydia is doing fairly well for not having a roomie for the time being. She likes rotating between her bed and May's old one. George is still sleeping in his crib in his room and we plan to keep him there for awhile if he so decides. Then we think he can use the other twin bed, that was Mayme's, when he moves into Lydia's room. Otherwise we would have to buy another mattress for the toddler bed so I think we will look for some kind of railing attachment and be good to go.
In potty news! All of last week George decided he was not going to where a diaper during the day. Once even he took it off at nap time. So this week we are going to go with pull ups that hopefully he will keep on at nap time and night time. I feel like it's too good to be true. It is going to ease the money situation so much by not having to buy two boxes of diapers. So apparently everyone is ahead of the game, but me.