Thursday, March 05, 2009

I Knew It Was A Matter Of Time

So tonight I ran over to my mom's first of all because we haven't been there forever and secondly because I had some searching to do on the internet and her computer is way faster. So I go in the den to use the computer and Mayme and Grandpa D are in the living room watching Wheel of Fortune and Grandma is making supper. So I am half listening to May's conversation when out of nowhere I hear Mayme yell "Hey Grandma, why did you and Grandpa Gale get a divorce?" HAY CARAMBA! Talk about uncomfortable. I did not hear my mom's reply, but heard Mayme say something about that it's better if people talk things out. That's when I calmly asked "Mayme Elizabeth" to come and see me. Of course she just looks at me and says, "What?! I was just asking".

I talked to Mayme about this a long time ago in the hopes that questions like that could be avoided. It was just so random I about died.
