Oh Happy Day!
Well I had my appointment yesterday and I am 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. I am just feeling really excited though trying not to get too excited. I go back on Monday if no baby by then, then we talk about an induction date. Where I work we can't take off an hour here or there so I had to take a half day of work which turned out to be really nice because I went and surprised Mayme at school and took her along with me. Since I had some time to kill we went out for lunch, went to the appointment, and did some shopping for daddy's birthday. It was such a nice day and I thought this might be the last time for awhile to just spend some time with her and I. We had such a nice time. I think she really like going to the restaurant and the waitress asking "How are you ladies today?" I did too. : )
Tomorrow is my last day of work so after feeling pretty guilty about it, I'm actually feeling okay about it. I made it this far and there aren't too many weeks left. We have been working with Lydia again on potty training and she has been doing great! I knew it wouldn't take long for her to get back into it, but I am impressed that if we do allow her to wear a pull up she will still go use the bathroom. We could never get Mayme to do that so we had her wearing undies all the time except at night. So Lydia is still wearing a diaper at night, but it is already saving us money.
So for now all is well. My cat seems to know something is going to happen. She rarely sleeps with me, but the last three nights has been sleeping right at the foot of the bed.