There was a funeral yesterday for my great-uncle at my old church. It's is so funny because I have not been back in that church for many years and everything looks so small too me now, but when I was younger it was so much bigger. Even the number of steps seemed more. I brought M along with me because I thought this would be a good experience for her to go through since it was with a more distant relative. She did have a few questions. When we first got to the church she did not want to see the body, but once we sat down she got more and more curious and really wanted to see it. When I was a kid there was no way I wanted to see the body. In all the experiences I've had the person just never looks the same they did alive. But as I get older I see that's it's not about me it's about them and the family and showing last respects. I have not been to many funerals because I just have had a hard time dealing with them. I've always felt there was a plan and not been afraid of death, but deep down when I really think of it, it scares me. I guess the death part isn't what scares me, it's that it could be tomorrow or next week. I'd like to think it will be in my 80's or older. I want to see my kids grow up and grandkids and maybe even great grandkids. I just don't want to think about my kids growing up without me. Funerals always remind you that you really do need to enjoy every moment you have. Overall Mayme did well. She was very much fascinated by the cemetary and seeing where all our relatives our buried. Seems that everyone in that small cemetary is related. It was good to see family I hadn't seen for awhile. I had to laugh to myself after the funeral when we all went downstairs for cake and coffee that all the ladies working in the kitchen were the same ladies working in the kitchen when I went to church there. It saddened me not see any new faces. I know the church is lacking in numbers. My favorite part of having a meal after church were the sugarcubes which oddly Mayme didn't like so I lucked out and got to have a treat. I loved how they had the same coffee cups with the churches initals on it. That they still had my name up with all those who graduated cradle roll. And the confirmation pictures of my grandparents, father, and siblings. It was nice to have history to show Mayme.
Dave and I used to sneak sugar cubes at my great-grandma's house. Greg doesn't "get" how cool they are!
12:31 PM
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